Sahabzade Irfan Ali Khan Did you ever feel too bored in your life? And just turned your tv on! Or, streaming YouTube! Your smile about to touch your ears if no you might not ever watch Irfan khan or if yes, then the reason might be Irrfan khan. Well we all have our favorite superstars, role models ya! I have also I love Amir Khan for his performance, he is a living legend in Bollywood. But there is some people who might not have six-pack! Instead, their skills of acting simplicity level must inspire you to watch them. Imran Khan is also one of them, a simple man who had introduced himself by his skills he didn’t have superhuman power but skills were awesome he didn’t get success when he started his journey obviously like others I didn’t know him before his movie ‘’ but after this, I got to him and obviously he made me a fellow list I was inspired by him for his simplicity he made us laugh made us cry, we were always stay amused after seeing him or, after his ...