
Showing posts from May, 2020

Laser powerd rovers to explore sark shadows of moon

A  optical device   lightweight  shone through the dark  may  power robotic exploration of the foremost tantalizing locations in our  star  System: the permanently-shadowed craters  around the  Moon’s poles, believed to be  wealthy  in water ice and  alternative  valuable materials. ESA’s Discovery & Preparation program  funded   the design  of a  optical device  system  to remain  a rover  equipped  power from up to fifteen  kilometre  away  whereas  it explores  variety   of those  dark craters. At the  best   satellite  latitudes, the Sun stays low on the horizon all year  spherical , casting long shadows that keep sunken craters  encumbered  in permanent shadow,  probably  on a timescale of billions of years.  information  from NASA’s  satellite   intelligence activity   e...

Two different types of sunspots are found on the sun s' surface amid solar cycle change

Two different types of sunspots are found on the sun s' surface amid solar cycle change Sun is the potential center of our solar system and any phenomenon occurring on it affects our planet too. One of those is the sunspots which basically represent the influence of magnetism over the sun. There appear spots on the photosphere (sun's visible surface) which depends upon the number of factors. Also, solar activity relies on these sunspots to a great extent and they are even found to release enormous bursts of light or charged particles.  It is found that there are two types of sunspots observed on the sun's surface amid solar cycle change.  The period in which the sun is least active is described by using the term solar minimum whereas the sun is most active during the solar maximum phase. It takes around 11 years for the cycle to get complete, which features a solar minimum between the two solar maximums, I.e. sun being highly active then shifting towards the low activ...


  D O YOU KNOW WHAT IS METEOR? HOW CAN YOU WATCH IT? OR WHERE YOU CAN WATCH IT? WHAT SHOULD YOU CARRY WITH YOU TO WATCH IT? TODAY, I AM GOING TO TELL YOU ABOUT THE AQUARID METEOR SHOWER WHICH TOOK PLACED IN MAY 6 TH ! AS WELL, I WILL ANSWER THE QUERY I HAVE MENTIONED ABOVE! First of all, what is a meteor? A  meteor  is a  meteoroid  – or a particle broke off an asteroid or comet orbiting the Sun – that burns up as it enters the Earth's atmosphere, creating the effect of a "shooting star". Meteoroids that reach the Earth's surface without disintegrating  are  called  meteorites Then, how can you watch it? Fire up the Interactive Meteor Shower Sky Map on your mobile device to find out where to look in the sky for the radiant. Don't have a cellular signal? Don't despair. Just print out the table on the meteor shower page beforehand and bring it with you. Plan your trip such that you give yourself about 15-30 minutes to set up and let...

firefly aerospace signs customer spaceflight for alpha rocket launch in 2021

The Texas-based private aerospace firm Firefly Aerospace is going to collaborate with Spaceflight Inc. on a rideshare mission on the Alpha small launch vehicle of Firefly as per an agreement announced on 22nd April. Spaceflight is going to provide most of the payloads for this vehicle. This vehicle is supposed to launch in 2021 or late this year from Vandenberg Airforce Base in California. This alpha rocket is able to place the 630kg satellite in the sun-synchronous orbit. As per the agreement signed, Spaceflight will continue to supply payloads for future missions by Firefly. Firefly founder and chief executive said, "We expect a long-term relationship with Spaceflight. We consider them the preeminent aggregator of satellites in our payload class". Firefly is going to work with other payload aggregators too. Firms like 'Innovative Solutions in Space' (Denmark) are going to have collaborated with Firefly in the near future. These collaborations will result in c...